Ramin Mirzadagan


سلام و احترام من حدود هشت ماه قبل به پیشنهاد یکی از دوستانم با شرکت رامین میرزادگان قرارداد مهاجرتی امضا کردم در ابتدا برای ویزای تحصیلی صحبت کردم که میرزادگان از من سوال کرد میزان دارایی شما چقدر است بعد ازینکه متوجه شد اسرار داشت برای ویزای سرمایه گذاری از طریق خرید بیزنس در ابتدا من مخالفت کردم ولی چون رفیقم معرفی کرده بود هم بررسی که انجام دادم دیدم رامین میرزادگان اعضای مشاوران مهاجرتی است خلاصه من قرارداد سرمایه گذاری امضا کردم تا قبل ازینکه بیعانه بگیرند بسیار مودبانه و با احترام زیاد صحبت میکردند مبلغ حق مشاوره رامین میرزادگان در قرارداد من 42/000 دلار است من در ابتدا اعتراض کردم که مبلغ خیلی زیادی است ولی ایشان متاسفانه از همان ابتدا با دروغ فریب گفتند از این مبلغ حدود 30/000 دلار باید هزینه کنند مثلا بیزنس پلن یا اپلیکیشن فی یا هزینه های دیگر مهاجرتی و من هم باور کردم که بعدا متوجه شدم تمام هزینه های کمتر از 5/000 دلار است همچنین متوجه شدم این افراد مثل رامین میرزادگان اصلا وکیل نیستند خودشون را به عنوان وکیل معرفی میکنند که از مشتری مبالغ زیادی درخواست کنند وکیل باید تحصیلات چندین ساله در دانشگاه ببیند ولی مشاوران مهاجرتی فقط چندین ساعت کلاس اموزشی می روند فرق این دوتا هم در این است وکیل رسمی میتواند در صورتیکه برای پرونده افراد مهاجر مراجعه کند به دادگاه و دفاع کند از پرونده موکل خودش ولی مشاوران مهاجرتی اجازه ورود را حتی به ساختمان دادگستری ندارند چه برسد که بخواهند دفاع کنند از پرونده خیلی مواظب باشید دوستان این افراد متاسفانه هیچی به جز پول دلار براشان ارزشی ندارد حتی خانواده خودشون را میفروشند بخاطر پول چون که قرارداد مهاجرتی مهمترین قرارداد در زندگی افراد مهاجر است به طور مثال شما میروید یک عدد تلویزیون میخرید فروشنده از شما پول میگیرد اما کالا را تحویل نمی دهد یا خراب تحویل میدهد این مشکل به زندگی و اینده شما و خانواده شما صدمه و لطمه نمی زند ولی قرارداد مهاجرتی میتواند زندگی و اینده شما را به نابودی بکشاند ازین جهت می گویم مهمهترین قرارداد است حالا برگردیم داستان خودم با شرکت میرزادگان بعد ازینکه قرارداد امضا کردیم طبق صحبت اولیه قبل ازینکه بخواهم بیعانه واریز کنم قرار بود چند شغل معرفی کنند ولی متاسفانه همین طوری الکی زمان دادن بهش که تا پیش پرداخت را واریز نکنید ما هم شغل هایی که به قول خودشون اختصاصی فقط دست رامین میرزادگان معرفی نمی کنیم خلاصه من 10/000 دلار برای ایشان واریز کردم ازین به بعد داستان عوض شد تا اینکه پول گرفتند دیگه جواب تلفن هارو یکی در میان میداد یا جواب ایمیل هارو بعد از چندین روز میدادن خلاصه پیشنهاد خرید یک رستوران را در شهر کوبورگ در استان انتاریو داد اما مشکلات ما ازین به بعد شروع شد اول اینکه مبلغ این رستوران 650/000 دلار بود من گفتم قرارداد بین من و شما 150/000 دلار است بعد ایشان گفتند ما برای شما وام 500/000 دلاری میگیریم بدون بهره بانکی و بازپرداخت 20 ساله ضمن اینکه این قیمت رستوران برای خرید مغازه و خرید امتیاز رستوران و تجهیزات داخلی ان است حرفی که ابتدا زده شد و در امد رستوران ناخالص سالیانه 1/300/000 دلار است من این موارد را سبک سنگین کردم دیدم بد نیست شرایط و با همین شرایط به میرزادگان گفتم اقدام کند ولی گفتم ابتدا باید مغازه قیمت گذاری رسمی دادگستری شود و صورتحساب بانکی یک دوره یکساله رستوران هم میخوام که ببینم این درامدی که میگوید درست است که درست نبود خودش یک جدول دستی برای من ارسال کرد حالا تمام مدارک را در زیر پیوست میکنم چند تا عدد رقم گداشته توی این جداول و مهمتر از همه پایین جدول نوشته اجاره مغازه کوبورگ 10/000 دلار ماهایه است من متعجب شدم اینجا بود که شروع کرد اقای میرزادگان به مقلته بازی و حاشا کردن من متوجه شدم دیگه داستان چیه تمام حرف ها و وعده ها پوچ خالی فریب کلاهبرداری بوده است بعدش هم شماره موبایل من را در اینستاگرام شرکت و دیگر شبکه های مجازی بلاک و قفل کرد که نروم زیر پست های فیک شرکت کامنت بزارم و یک فاکتور خنده دار و کمدی 10/000 دلاری برای من ارسال کرد و دیگر هیچ جوابی و پاسخی به من نداد در صورتیکه هیچ کاری برای من نکرده است فقط خرید این رستوران را پیشنهاد داده است ان هم من خریدار بودم ولی گفتم باید قانونی باشد قیمت گذاری بشود چون که رامین میرزادگان میداند چندتا صندلی و میز 650/000 دلار ارزشی ندارد و راستی یک موضوع دیگه این است وسط کار میگه من سرم شلوغ است وقت ندارم یک وکیل دیگری به قرارداد اضافه میکنم که روند پرونده سریعتر بشه اصلا گول نخورید هیچ وکیلی نیست فقط اینکارو و این بزرگ نمایی هارو میکند تا بتواند در اخر یک سیاهه صورتحساب اضافه کند مثلا در قرارداد من اقای فیل برایان مونی را اضافه کرده و در فاکتوری که برای من ارسال کرده مبلغ 2/900 دلار نوشته به فیل موونی پرداخت شده است جالب است اینا هیچ کاری برای پرونده من نکردند بعد با کمال پرویی 10/000 دلار برای من فاکتور فرستاده حتی فرم های اولیه که دیگه هر شرکت داغونی خودش پر میکنه فرم را برای من ارسال کردند تا خودم پر کنم زمانی اعتراض کردم گفتم دوتا فرم هم گوشادیت میشه پر کنی تو که تمام اطلاعات من را داری از من 42/000 دلار پول گرفتی خیرسرت دوتا فرم اطلاعات شخصی هم پر نمیکنی خلاصه دوستان در مجموع از من 20/000 دلار کانادا کلاهبرداری و دزدی کردند خیلی مواظب باشید


RAMIN MIRZADEGAN (IMIRZADEGAN) is not running a legit business. They are not aggressive towards customer satisfaction and complaint grievance redressal, Hence 3 consumer[s] submitted negative ratings, and only a few left positive feedback.


RAMIN MIRZADEGAN (IMIRZADEGAN) is headquarted at 330 HGW 7EAST PH09 RICHMOND HILL ON L4B 3P8 CANADA. You can contact RAMIN MIRZADEGAN (IMIRZADEGAN) by dialing 416-399-1998 416-562-9090 or visit their website WWW.MIRZADEGANIMMIGRATION.COM.

How much monetary loss is incurred by RAMIN MIRZADEGAN (IMIRZADEGAN)’s customers?

According to RAMIN MIRZADEGAN (IMIRZADEGAN)’s customers, a monetary loss of US $20000 has been reported. The severity of entire incident reports is extremely high.

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3 Reviews on Ramin Mirzadagan

  1. Scam fraud and tax fraud company immigration citizenship mirzadegan

    Ramin Mirzadegan and Vida Sharifipour:
    The time for good news has come
    Hi, I am Ehsan Mehdizadeh regarding my complaint against Ramin Mirzadegan’s company in Toronto, Canada. Of course, the company that is not there is the main center of crime and betrayal.

    At the beginning, I called Mirzadegan several times during the call and e-mail, asking him to return the $ 10,000 amount that I deposited to his account by Bahmani Exchange as a loan as soon as possible, and to end these problems, but Mirzadegan did not return my money, he sent me insulting and threatening messages
    Because Mirzadegan could not provide legal and official documents to buy the symposium restaurant in Coburg, I realized at the very beginning of the contract that Mirzadegan’s words were changing day by day, and I stopped this contract so that more of me would be scammed. Does not.
    In a letter, Mirzadegan asked me to pay the next installment, which was $ 7,000, so that he could look for another business for me to buy again.
    It was here that I realized these people:
    Ramin Mirzadegan and his wife Vida Sharifipour in Toronto in the Richmond Hill area. Their job is to cheat, extort and cheat. They send me threatening and insulting messages and emails to so-called scare me that I will not pursue this further, and they shrugged my shoulders and demanded work, and told me several times that you have reached out to me. We do not arrive and there is nothing you can do
    My question to Mirzadegan is:
    Do you know me?
    Are you sure I can do nothing?
    So be careful and listen:
    Defendants Ramin Mirzadegan, Vida Sharifipour and Phil Brian Mooney for proven crimes:
    The crime of fraud, the crime of treason, the crime of forgery, the crime of defamation, the crime of insult, the crime of intimidation, the crime of extortion

    1- My complaint against the above individuals to the file numbers R724923 and R721563 in the Canadian Fraud Information and Competition Center

    2- My complaint against Ramin Mirzadegan and Phil Brian Mooney in the Council or College of Immigration Counselors of Canada, file number CD-2021-449 and CD-2021-450

    3- My complaint against the above people to the CFM file numbers: 2022-135279 and CFM: 2022-26889 International Online Fraud Center

    4- My complaint against the above people to the CFPB case number: 211212-7766613 Canadian Consumer Protection Court

    5. My complaint against the above individuals in the Federal Trade Commissions Center with the file number
    142534995: FTC

    6- My complaint against Ramin Mirzadegan to the file number that can be seen on the Google site
    BBB: C58C46A9-4C2E-A163-OE63A05A1194
    Better Business Bureau

    7- My complaint against Ramin Mirzadegan to the CBSA case number

    8- My complaint against the above people in the Canadian Immigration and Citizenship Office (CIC.GC.CA)
    CFM: 2021-117621
    CFM: 2021-117842
    9- My complaint against Ramin Mirzadegan and Phil Brian Mooney
    C / 2021/2222
    C2021 / 2224
    Ramin Mirzadegan and Vida Sharifipour:
    I gave a lot of time and opportunity and said that you are a compatriot, maybe they realize their mistake and several times I respectfully tried to solve these problems created by Mirzadegan himself, but these people are more honorable and disgraceful than you think and imagine, and They created problems for themselves day by day that can no longer be compensated. I still work a lot with these people.

  2. Tax fraud scam fraud

    Ramin Mirzadegan and Vida Sharifipour:
    The time for good news has come
    Hi, I am Ehsan Mehdizadeh regarding my complaint against Ramin Mirzadegan’s company in Toronto, Canada. Of course, the company that is not there is the main center of crime and betrayal.

    At the beginning, I called Mirzadegan several times during the call and e-mail, asking him to return the $ 10,000 amount that I deposited to his account by Bahmani Exchange as a loan as soon as possible, and to end these problems, but Mirzadegan did not return my money, he sent me insulting and threatening messages
    Because Mirzadegan could not provide legal and official documents to buy the symposium restaurant in Coburg, I realized at the very beginning of the contract that Mirzadegan’s words were changing day by day, and I stopped this contract so that more of me would be scammed. Does not.
    In a letter, Mirzadegan asked me to pay the next installment, which was $ 7,000, so that he could look for another business for me to buy again.
    It was here that I realized these people:
    Ramin Mirzadegan and his wife Vida Sharifipour in Toronto in the Richmond Hill area. Their job is to cheat, extort and cheat. They send me threatening and insulting messages and emails to so-called scare me that I will not pursue this further, and they shrugged my shoulders and demanded work, and told me several times that you have reached out to me. We do not reach and there is nothing you can do
    My question to Mirzadegan is:
    Do you know me?
    Are you sure I can do nothing?
    So be careful and listen:
    Defendants Ramin Mirzadegan, Vida Sharifipour and Phil Brian Mooney for proven crimes:
    The crime of fraud, the crime of treason, the crime of forgery, the crime of defamation, the crime of insult, the crime of intimidation, the crime of extortion

    1- My complaint against the above individuals to the file numbers R724923 and R721563 in the Canadian Fraud Information and Competition Center

    2- My complaint against Ramin Mirzadegan and Phil Brian Mooney in the Council or College of Immigration Counselors of Canada, file number CD-2021-449 and CD-2021-450

    3- My complaint against the above people to the CFM file numbers: 2022-135279 and CFM: 2022-26889 International Online Fraud Center

    4- My complaint against the above people to the CFPB case number: 211212-7766613 Canadian Consumer Protection Court

    5. My complaint against the above individuals in the Federal Trade Commissions Center with the file number
    142534995: FTC

    6- My complaint against Ramin Mirzadegan to the file number that can be seen on the Google site
    BBB: C58C46A9-4C2E-A163-OE63A05A1194
    Better Business Bureau

    7- My complaint against Ramin Mirzadegan to the CBSA case number

    8- My complaint against the above people in the Canadian Immigration and Citizenship Office (CIC.GC.CA)
    CFM: 2021-117621
    CFM: 2021-117842
    9- My complaint against Ramin Mirzadegan and Phil Brian Mooney
    C / 2021/2222
    C2021 / 2224
    Ramin Mirzadegan and Vida Sharifipour:
    I gave a lot of time and opportunity and said that you are a compatriot, maybe they will realize their mistake and several times I respectfully tried to solve these problems created by Mirzadegan himself, but these people are more honorable and dishonorable than you think and imagine. They created problems for themselves day by day that can no longer be compensated. I still work a lot with these people.

  3. SCAM, FRAUD, document fraud, customer fraud, betrayal of trust, Ramin Mirzadegan Immigration Company is the largest immigration fraud company in Toronto, Canada.

    Important Note: Mr. Ramin Mirzadegan, Mr. Terry, and Mr. Bill Ergov, the owner of the symposium restaurants, as well as Mr. Phil Mooney, as well as a bank chairman in Toronto who was to borrow $ 500,000 on my case. The team of fraud and theft has been set up.

    I sent several emails and letters to Mr. Argo and Mr. Phil Mooney to find out what the matter was, but none of them answered my calls and emails. It is evident to me that all these people with They have set up a fraud team for immigrants to Canada, and they are extorting money from their customers.

    The problem between Ramin and me arose when I asked Ramin for official documents, for example: a bill. Coburg Symposium restaurant money with the bank’s signature in which the restaurant’s account is, or the price of $ 650,000 to buy the restaurant and a few tables, gas, and cooking utensils. At the same time, Ramin Mirzadegan initially told me this amount to buy the shop And buy royalties and all restaurant equipment. The problem between Ramin and me arose when I asked Ramin for official documents, for example: a bill.

    Please consider the harshest punishment for the above people who play with the future and lives of immigrants and fraud and extort money from them.

    Currently, Ramin Mirzadegan is saying that the $ 10,000 I deposited so far has been a contract, and Ramin cites this. I did, file, folder, and scan regularly for Ramin. He just turned on the computer, opened his email, and received my documents in a file. Do I have to pay Ramin $ 10,000 in damages for this? On my behalf, this contract has not been terminated or canceled.

    I have not signed a contract, and I have not paid to want to terminate it. I decided to emigrate. In addition to the $ 10,000 I owed to Ramin Mirzadegan, I also owed $ 10,000 for the same contract, at Ramin’s request, such as an official bachelor of real estate, translating about 500 pages of a translator’s signature, matching qualifications for WES Canada, The cost of scanning, filing, folding and other fees being At present, I owe $ 20,000 to my creditor Ramin.

    In addition, I have to calculate all the damages for the delay of the money and the profit of the losses and damages that he has caused to my family and me, up to one dollar, with such swindlers who are my Iranian compatriots. My request to the Ontario Canada Immigration Advisers is to receive $ 20,000 and its loss profit to date. The most severe punishment for revoking the immigration license of Ramin Mirzadegan and Phil Mooney is to be dealt with decisively. I even request the revocation of Ramin’s citizenship.

    They should not live in a country like Canada, Ramin Mirzadegan to membership 705721 RCIC and email address [email protected] Mobail: 416-399-1998 I have signed a The subsequent violation I signed a contract with him for $ 150,000. He offered me the Coburg Symposium restaurant for $ in 650,000, and I told him to become an official expert.

    Can this price of $ 650,000 be available for a few tables and chairs? Agreed? But they did not accept and said that you should trust me as your lawyer… I was shocked, but due to the little trust I had in him, I told him to send me the report of the restaurant’s one-year financial period report.

    Instead, it was made by hand by themselves, and the following item to them I said that the amount of 650,000 Canadian dollars should be an official and legal expertise. Heavy rent Why was it added that he insulted and threatened me?

    It would help if you trusted me as an immigration lawyer. During a phone call about three months ago, he told me that because of the busy work of the company that accepts 200 immigration cases every month And 200 claims are rejected because they do not have enough time to process the files. In my case, Mr. Phil Mooney was added to membership R406239 on August 6 to speed up the process.

    It is not, and it has not been registered. Many questions have arisen in my mind that some people like me have caused a lot of problems through this method and have not paid for it.

    All these words and conversations, especially the documents and documents of the tax evasion certificate. They and the company give and in line with this issue that all fashion The rack is attached to this letter, and since I intend to invest and immigrate, the accuracy of the amounts mentioned must be proven to me.

    1. His attorney’s fee is C $ 42,000, which is blank in the HST section. And businesses have a plan to pay for Canadian government spending. Are these numbers genuine and acceptable?

    2. Does the Coburg Symposium Restaurant have a monthly income of C $ 100,000 in Coburg, Ontario, a restaurant that has been open for six months? I asked Ramin for a bank and official bill, but he sent me the account manually.

    3. The rent for a shop in Coburg, Ontario, is C $ 10,000 per month. In addition to HST, is this amount correct?
    4- His following violation I signed a contract with him for $ 150,000, and he offered me the Coburg Symposium restaurant for $ in 650,000, and I told him to become an official expert. Can this price of $ 650,000 be available for a few tables and chairs? Agreed? But they did not accept and said that you should trust me as your lawyer.

Reviews: 3
Reported Loss : 20000 $
Severity : Extremely High
Reported by : Anonymous
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