Molly GoLightly (Marissa Zdazinsky)

YouTube Creator/ “Life Coach” Scam Artist

Marissa Zdazinsky is, also known as Molly GoLightly, claims to be a life coach and charges members of her YouTube channels upwards of $50 a month to become members of her Patreon.

This “deal” includes one life coaching session (her coach cert has been revoked), access to her phone number, and a ten-year-old autographed photo from when she was on Wife Swap. You will also be allowed to moderate her YouTube channels.

A quick search will uncover hundreds of personal accounts of former clients and patterns who have had their personal information blasted on a Livestream in front of thousands of viewers after entrusting her with personal information to do a life coaching session.

The members who have been criticized for up to an hour doxed (have had their personal information such as name, location, phone number, spouse’s name, etc.) revealed on YouTube during a tangent.

When asked to remove the stream, Ms “GoLightly” says to “get a lawyer” or challenges them to come after her.

People’s tragedies have been exploited for clicks, views, and revenue, including missing children cases (she referred to Summer Wells as a ‘cash cow’ and terrorized the family of Cash Gernon on her channel for views in the name of “advocacy.”

After holding a fundraiser with her subscribers, she recently flew to Tennessee, saying she intended to protest outside TBI and the local police to find a missing child and picket with posters to keep the child’s name in the public eye.

Instead, she and three others flew to TN with all the money raised and harassed the parents outside their workplace.

As a result, it cost them their job, visited the former church the family had attended, and secretly filmed the daughter of the missing child’s beloved Sunday School teacher.

She posted it on the internet and yelled outside the family’s home with bullhorns. Countless donors were upset and felt lied to, who were told to essentially “get over it.”

Do not give this woman your money, contact information, or ANY personal information about you.

She WILL not use it to be an effective life coach – she will store it away and use it against you publicly when you inevitably cross her.

She is a dangerous person who openly brags about doxing. She has been known to vengefully call CPS unnecessarily on people, call the FBI with false reports, and interfere with active missing Children’s cases.

Stay away from this channel, stay away from this woman, and do NOT GET INVOLVED.

Is Molly GoLightly (Marissa Zdazinsky) a legit?

Molly GoLightly (Marissa Zdazinsky) is not running a legit business. They are not aggressive towards customer satisfaction and complaint grievance redressal, Hence 20 consumer[s] submitted negative ratings, and only a few left positive feedback.

Where is Molly GoLightly (Marissa Zdazinsky) located?

Molly GoLightly (Marissa Zdazinsky) is headquarted at Hershey, PA. You can contact Molly GoLightly (Marissa Zdazinsky) by dialing N/A or visit their website

How much monetary loss is incurred by Molly GoLightly (Marissa Zdazinsky)’s customers?

According to Molly GoLightly (Marissa Zdazinsky)’s customers, a monetary loss of US $200 has been reported. The severity of entire incident reports is high.

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20 Reviews on Molly GoLightly (Marissa Zdazinsky)


    This woman is making bank off of a man laying in a coma. She has doxed people who asked for refunds from the egg donor because Marissa told her she didn’t have to tell people what their donations went to that they were a gift. Once it leaves your hands it’s not your business This coming from the woman who gave gifts to PMM for Christmas then went off on her about what she did. When PMM did nothing wrong. She put a return in for things that weren’t shipped and the money went back to Marissa. Mgl claims the bio mom can use donations for anything. Bills Rent. Well why wasn’t it the same for PPM? Those were gifts. They left MGLs hands. If PPM wanted to return them because she needed to pay a bill it was none of MGLs business according to what she is saying. She is a hypocrite. She is a proven liar and thief. She screams when she doesn’t get her way. She is a disgusting excuse for a woman. I hope Marvon wakes up and sees what the egg donor and MGL is doing.

  2. WOACB is the real Doxxer not MGL

    While MGL is not my cup of tea, I have seen no evidence of her doxxing anyon. On the other hand the evidence is waist deep of WOACB being the real doxxer,

    1. Update

      Hello not sure if you have seen it yet but just yesterday (Aug.13, 2022) a lady’s information was given out. by Molly while the lady was on Molly”s panel live and also Molly was on the phone with the police department while doing so.
      Molly may have cut the video but you can find it from the other YouTube channels.

  3. Love molly she does a great job..and people are jealous of her like woacb..woacb is find anything and everything to attact molly…

  4. I think Marissa( MGL) does an amazing job covering stories! She might be a little loud and boisterous at times which isn’t for everyone! But she puts in hours upon hours of time dedication into these cases. People don’t like that she’s aggressive at times ( like the bullhorn at the laundries -I loved it at first lol) but she does what she sets out to do and that’s to get these stories out there! Keep being great MARISSA( MOLLY GO LIGHTLY)! Don’t let the haters and jealous people bring you down! Molly’s personality is unique and that’s what makes her better! Simple things don’t like her don’t follow her but no reason to try smear her name negatively! Don’t like that she shares cash apps etc don’t donate! You and ONLY YOU control your actions! I love the heart and sincerity in Marissa! KEEP FIGHTING FOR THOSE WHO CAN’T! #JUSTICE is what Marissa wants at the end!

  5. Molly ????

    Molly might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but she’s certainly passionate and tries her hardest. She’s not perfect but she’s not a fraud! People posting negative reviews are most definitely “without a crystal ball” subs which actually SHOCKS me anyone would defend that woman. WOACB is the biggest liar on YouTube. No wonder she is always being sued and no creator wants to works with her.

  6. Molly is a bully period – no she isn’t what she portrays look her up she’s been charged with embezzlement & has also made very racist comments,she will turn on vins family when they no longer fit her narrative she thinks using vailed threats is ok & then telling people vons mom needs your money even if it’s only 5.00 but where’s the money going all this drama is clouding this story how sad

  7. MOLLY/Marrisa says what a lot of people are thinking, she has the platform to prove herself time and again ????‍♀️

    She only addends the weak, the ones that can not bully her !

    She is very passionate about children and people who can’t speak for herself, I just found her about 3weeks ago, however I have since watched many of her videos.

  8. I think she’s done some amazing work in the Marvon Jackson case she has donated countless hours of her time and even her own money to find justice in this case I know “without a crystal ball” has major jealousy issues when it comes to Molly and she’s dead set on a smear campaign as she was reporting on the case also but now the only thing pertaining to the Marvon Jackson case that she shares are smear videos of Molly ..Molly has been very good about trying to ignore her hate but sometimes she loses her patience but that’s to be expected when someone is digging up your past bc they’re upset they’re not getting as good of info as she is in a case and are feeling left out…someone give WOACB a hug so we can get back to what’s important..justice 4 von ????

    1. Who?

      Who is Marvon Jackson?! How unfortunate Molly stans are so quick to take up for her, they can’t even get the REAL VICTIMS NAME CORRECT.

  9. Obnoxious

    Molly needs to spend time in jail for true harassment and fraud!

    1. Update

      Hello not sure if you have seen it yet but just yesterday (Aug.13, 2022) a lady’s information was given out. by Molly while the lady was on Molly”s panel live and also Molly was on the phone with the police department while doing so.
      Molly may have cut the video but you can find it from the other YouTube channels.

  10. Jealousy

    Molly is very boisterous, loud and not everyone’s cup of tea. However, she has never lied, mislead or doxxed anyone. She gives her entire being and yes, money but it is for all of the right reasons and she accomplishes so much for the victims in the cases she covers. Some actions I do not agree with, but they are done with transparency for the ultimate goal. She doesn’t shy away from any of it. To make this review for retribution, only because Katherine Paulson’s lies are for the world to see. That’s Katherine’s problem.
    To the original poster: Show proof of something nefarious on her part. Prove she’s the liar you make her out to be. Be transparent. Molly has about everything. That is something I can provide proof for.

    1. I agree show proof . The above poster said alot of things . I think they ment to put that under woacb or katie joy paulsons name.
      Just watch the coverage of boths stream and we,ll know who the liar is .

      Show proof or delete post.

    2. Who’s got the receipts?

      I’m just curious and currently neutral. I don’t have a side but suddenly interested in following this rabbit hole. You challenged the OP to provide evidence of nefarious actions committed by Molly. As yet, I’m assuming she can’t.
      As an advocate of Molly and her work, you state that you don’t necessarily agree with all of her actions but they are done with trans-
      parency for the ultimate goal. Here’s what I’m curious about bc I’m all about going for it if the means justify the ends, so, do they?

      What are some of Molly’s actions you found questionable? And are there results or rather, have those actions helped accomplish the ultimate goals?

    3. She most certainly does dox, I know this ???? because she doxxed me over the Jake Brown case

  11. A passionate advocate

    Marissa, aka Molly, is often boisterous, sometimes crude, and always passionate. She is an amazing, caring woman. ❤

  12. Kind hearted and loyal

    Marissa aka Molly has a heart of gold. Her enthusiasm and drive to help others is envious. So much so a particular YouTuber, Katy, has spent hours upon hours trying to bring Molly down. She’s not a giver upper and stands by her word. While Katy looses sleep and obsesses about Molly, Molly is loosing sleep fighting for what’s right regarding Von. We love you Molly. Keep up the good fight!!

  13. MOLLY is a SICK person.

    In my opinion, Molly (Marissa) is a sick person. I think it goes beyond being vengeful and using her platform to gaslight viewers.

    If you have been on the target end of her insane wrath, you will probably agree.

    She pretends to be a charismatic, caring, compassionate woman. In reality, her platform shows a hypocrite. A person who will say anything to burn a perceived “enemy” to the ground.

    Stay away. Please.

    1. Untrue look at the you tube facts on WOACB!

      So sad for you ????‍♀️


    2. I cannot believe her mocking Shannan Watts. A murder victim. I can’t forget that, it’s disturbing. She is obnoxious and loves all attention. She constantly talks about how important she thinks she is. Brags about everything. Too much drama. I notice when Elle and Justin get annoyed by her always running the show. Constantly interrupts, goes on rants, and yells. She’s a hypocrite. Everything she blames KT for she does. I see through her. This $ shit is insane. I could seriously do a review of this shit.

  14. No stars for MGL

    This woman gets on YouTube and bullies, threatens, and harasses other YouTubers while claiming to be helping a family. All the while she’s posting cash apps to get money from unsuspecting watchers. She’s a scam artist.

    1. Kj wrote the review on here .

      After watching her on the dre mc kay case ,at first there was alot going on . After saying last word about kj it really got interesting. This part i love . Getting down to business using only facts .
      Not made up stuff woacb does.

  15. Love Molly ❤️ Amazing Beautiful Soul ???? She puts her whole mind, body and soul into whatever she does and works on !!! Keep Being Your Amazing Self Molly ❤️ Love you ????

    Love you Molly!!! Keep Doing and Being Your Beautiful Self ????

    1. Keep shinin Molly!! There’s should be more like you with that fight to stand up for the truth!

    2. Yikes!

      Raise your standards.

Reviews: 20
Reported Loss : 200 $
Severity : High
Reported by : Anonymous
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