James Hodges

Will post your nudes with all your info.

This man has gotten away with numerous humiliating women by posting their found/hacked/catfished/etc.. private nude photos online and where they live with all their info. He has caused many to lose their jobs and some to move to another state to get away from their ordeal.

The only justice his victims have gotten is posting his nudes online. He tried to sue over the posting of his nude photos. Still, because the idiot had accidentally posted them to a location online where someone from the public could have had access to them, the judge told him “he can’t take that back.”

Now he has no legal recourse over the posting of his images. He is NOT allowed to file DMCA requests. There is also a video mentioned in the court documents and all of the photos, which can be found at https://samanthaisakoolb.wixsite.com/shamed or by google image searching JAMES HODGES NUDES.

So hopefully, at the very least, he will know what it feels like to be publicly humiliated and mocked like his victims were.

Is James Hodges a legit?

James Hodges is not running a legit business. They are not aggressive towards customer satisfaction and complaint grievance redressal, Hence 1 consumer[s] submitted negative ratings, and only a few left positive feedback.

Where is James Hodges located?

James Hodges is headquarted at Southern California, Vegas. You can contact James Hodges by dialing N/A or visit their website samanthaisakoolb.wixsite.com/shamed.

How much monetary loss is incurred by James Hodges’s customers?

According to James Hodges’s customers, a monetary loss of US N/A has been reported. The severity of entire incident reports is extremely high.

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1 Review on James Hodges

  1. Dirty pervert

    Serves him right, I hope his nudes will be passed around and stay on the internet forever. And if someone finds out where this wanker works, I’d be glad to mail the links to his boss and colleagues.

Reviews: 1
Reported Loss : 0 $
Severity : Extremely High
Reported by : Anonymous
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