10xpartners club

Scam website/company

10xpartners club is a scam forex website run by Gary Strong, formally Antonio Partners and before that Strong Partners. The business address is a theatre in Amsterdam, the phone number is fake,he advertises ridiculous profits i.e $33 per hour and the accreditation certificates are stolen, claims to be registered by FCA, FSC and Financial Commission, all verified to be untrue. Gary Strong is a serial scammer, do not invest with him,the minute you do will be last time you see your money.

Is 10xpartners club a legit?

10xpartners club is not running a legit business. They are not aggressive towards customer satisfaction and complaint grievance redressal, Hence 10 consumer[s] submitted negative ratings, and only a few left positive feedback.

Where is 10xpartners club located?

10xpartners club is headquarted at Marbella, Spain. You can contact 10xpartners club by dialing N/A or visit their website N/A.

How much monetary loss is incurred by 10xpartners club’s customers?

According to 10xpartners club’s customers, a monetary loss of US $85000 has been reported. The severity of entire incident reports is extremely high.

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10 Reviews on 10xpartners club

  1. Broker Scam

    Ya hemos confirmado el nombre del principal estafador en España de los brokers de fraude más activos, Cristian Manuel Arenal Ambrosio con DNI 72059607-D con domicilio en Madrid. Es el líder de una banda que lleva más de 4 años engañando a personas en España. Pertenece a una banda internacional y es número 1 en España. Utiliza multitud de nombres y números de teléfono falsos. Hay causas abiertas en juzgados de toda España, muchos en Madrid, así como en los juzgados de primera instancia de muchas otras ciudades. Gracias a otro estafado acabamos de localizar a otro estafador de esta pandilla que se hace pasar por profesor de Trading, su nombre es Luis Alberto Hontoba Pérez con DNI. 32892079D. También detenidos e imputados, Daniel Leon Molina con las siguientes sociedades en Barcelona y Madrid y ex-Apoderado de la reconocida Agencia de Valores GVC GAESCO VALORES SV SA. Es administrador de Even Investment Consulting, SL, Supercarsvip, SL, Lyon Molina Capital 2018, SL, Burdeos Capital, SL. Alberto Mercado Santos con una sociedad a su nombre, Aldriro Markets, SL de Madrid y Daniel Otero Contreras. Si os han robado en España a través de un broker falso, denunciadlo ante la policía y facilitad los datos de estas personas de la banda para incorporaros a la demanda colectiva o individual que tienen abierta en la Audiencia Nacional. En su detención la Policía intervino más de medio millón de Euros en efectivo de los más de 15 Millones que han conseguido estafar y 10 vehículos de Alta Gama, varios BWM, Audi y Mercedes.

  2. Using your info


    You should be aware, if you are not already. Cypurs xyz is still using your name & pictures. He has set up several more companies and he will attempt to pass them off as you again.

    You should take them to court again Gary. I say this to you because they are still using my images & old documents.

    I know you are doing well for yourself and I hope you can go full attack on them again.

    They must be stopped.

    They have renamed themselves again I see. Please get your legal staff to contact them again.


  3. Dave Fellows is writing this Gary

    Dave Fellows is writing this Gary

  4. Gary Strong - Official

    Official statement

    Gary Strong – Stolen Identity – (Catfish)

    case number 70032-234/7

    Feb 5th 2020,

    Mr. Gary Strong, pictures have been stolen by 419 AFFF West Africa, for romance, and online fraud scammers who are impersonating you; using your stolen photos to financially scam online users.
    These images have been located using face detection software, currently over 50 businesses globally have been traced using your profile pictures. Court action process presiding judge getting court decree excusing you from the frauds committed using these images. We are tracking all users of these images used and will conduct further research.
    The reason your pictures are post on this forum is because one of the victims asked us to help identify if the pictures are stolen by processing a reverse image search to find result if the photos have been reported as “USED BY SCAMMER” and verify if she is in contact with a 419 online scammer. So the victim can report the scammer and request the fake social media account be deleted by the website or IM apps administrators. The photos are also added in our Scammer Photo Album Gallery for the public to be aware and alert if a scammer does attempt to contact our readers, they can propmtly report the scammer to the site administrators, so they can ban the impostor and delete the fake social media accounts.
    The scam victim who recieved such request sent us a picture used to contact her on a social media website, then invited the victim to continue exchanges on Google Hangouts, and SKYPE.
    (View some of the attachments where the stolen photos are reported as scammer. Also see where the photos appear in social media websites and Instant Messaging apps.)
    Google Reverse Image Search provided the; multiple pages of about 5,200,000,000 results.
    There are over 8 million scammers surfing the net targeting people and leaders like yourself for your identity. Circulating innocent photo victim pictures, it is impossible to delete from the internet. They are most likely surfing the dark web.
    If anyone contacts you directly, please divert them to this message.
    If anyone has any further concerns. Contact your State Office of Privacy Protection.

    (IP addresses are being recorded, tracking all users including images used and will conduct further investigations).

    “DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER” can be met with a lawsuit for falsely accusing a person of a crime, without legal proof the person accused is “guilty” of any crime.

  5. A simple company house search will confirm Gary Strong was never listed as a director

    A simple company house search will confirm Gary Strong was never listed as a director.


    If you or your organisation has suffered as a result of defamatory information being shared online, speak to our lawyers at Nath Solicitors. We will work quickly to ensure that the offending content is taken down, and we can also support you in taking legal action for damages, compensation, correction and apology. Our team will ensure your case is managed effectively, offering a personal service to mitigate damage and secure the best outcome.
    Our defamation solicitors are here to provide immediate response and pragmatic solutions. Call Nath Solicitors now on 0203 670 5540 or contact us online and we will get back to you right away.

  6. Gary Strong not the sharpest scammer !!

    Gary, by posting that last review entitled “hearsay” you proved without doubt that you are the scammer responsible for 10xpartnersclub, not only does it mention your name but it also states that your website’s do indeed look fraudulent. It is fair to say that 2public warnings by official agencies, the fact you have just admitted that you are 10xpartners and your long history of scams all point to the original reason for this post. 10xpartners is a scam, you are being extremely arrogant by trying to prove it’s not.

  7. I know who I believe and it's not Gary Strong

    The Financial Commission Logo
    The Financial Commission Adds 10xpartnersclub to Its Warning List
    The Financial Commission > Commission News > The Financial Commission Adds 10xpartnersclub to Its Warning List
    The Financial Commission has been notified by its approved Member 4xcube of a case of website cloning and misrepresentation of 4xcube brand, license, and the Financial Commission membership.

    The website in question can be found on the link https://10xpartnersclub.com/.

    Even through broker cloning is becoming quite a common phenomenon in the Forex industry, this time scammers targeted an approved Member of the Financial Commission – 4xCube, misappropriating all genuine website content, images, forging its legal documentation and FSC license for their benefit and bad intentions.

    The Legal Team of 4xcube is already taking the necessary action, as well as requested DMCA, the entity that moderates and supervises the internet space for the immediate shutdown of this webpage.

    Given this information, 10xpartnersclub has been placed on the Financial Commission’s Warning List.

    Don’t miss the latest news and discussion on our Telegram channel. Subscribe today!

    October 24th, 2019

  8. No proof Gary??

    You copy and pasted that Gary, if people would kindly check the warnings issued by the Financial Commission and the FSC Cook Islands I think you will undoubtedly realise that 10xpartners is indeed a massive scam. Nice try Gary.

  9. Hearsay - no proof

    Sure, it sounds interesting but not more confidently at least.

    it’s all second-hand knowledge, hearsay from hearsay.

    For us here it is rather doubtful, without  strong evidences regarding the fraudsters identity it is not more than a typical scam spectacle basing on fake identities and fake case environment.

    Do you not wonder that you can’t find official trustworthy publications about a kind of juridical prosecution against this person.
    not on any official wanted list… no arrestment… no search and seizure… no court hearing… no conviction or  judgment against

    I believe that felt a lot of people in investment swindle basing on this “Gary Strong” identity and its websites, all “his” public casts looks completely fraudulent, no doubt.

    But for lack of real evidences completely i disbelieve in the pilloried  in all this different internet publications as real, identity of  so called “Gary Strong” as the fraud offender

    Hi folks

    I would be happy to find a strong evidence for existing a real identity  “Gary Strong” related to the pictures of this man.
    I don’t feel confident, that this identity is authentically.
    Is here somebody who met this guy in real and saw evidences for his identity.

    I don’t mean social media accounts, send by him documents, letters from other companies or attorney with not proofed authentically identity.

    I don’t feel confident, that are you not hunting a phantom.

    We will grateful her for each hint bot rather-more for reasonable  evidences.

    Otherwise you should know that “he” is only a name associated with photos what can be misused.

    Hello & Welcome to fake-scam.info

    It’s awesome that you referred to our  community forum.

    Thanks for adding your case intro.

    It’s a pity that you felt in the dirty tricks of scam industry, we feel so sorry for you
    Please be assured of our compassion for you and your situation.

    It’s a pity that you came in touch with the dirty tricks of scammers, we feel really sorry for you

    Our mission is to name, blame & shame fake identities and scam cases by publishing case documentations

    So please first start by adding  here, all available  relevant detailed case data  (look at list below)

    By publishing/documenting your information (what doesn’t mean pure retelling your story), you are going to preserve others from harm, and exactly this is the spirit and purpose of the collaboration our forum, as this forum is only able to achieving his object in collecting as much information regarding scam as possible.

    Basically we are gleaning here such case data and evidences like this:

    * all data affecting “his/her” profiles (address of / link to “his/her” profile, Nicknames, content of profile, a screen-shots and used in profile photos)
    * all contact data (nicknames, Names, e-mail, messenger, phone numbers)
    * all received messages as text  (copy and paste)
    * all received from this person photos, copies and documents
    * all data regarding  money transfers for scammer
    * possible evidences about the real identity of the fraudster

    Please always use a complete anonymous publishers name.

    Please process posting everything in chronological order, starting with first contact or documentation of a profile!
    For each mail/issue, please always open new reply in the same topic.

    to attach photos please refer to “Attachments and Options” and select the photo from your computer
    for more than one photo please click on “more attachments”

    Please note

    The pure retelling of your experiences makes only sense for a little case review. But for a case report we need all his texts in originally wording.
    The background is, that most of their texts the boy on keyboards do not type personally. Often are using long before prepared and saved text templates.
    When you are publishing the originally wording of “his” messages you help people who are searching for text snippets, phrases, text fragments of their conversations.

    Each strike at search sites can help to reach faster clearness  for this other searching potential victims

    Publishing such case documentations you will help all “his” potential victims and also it will damage the criminal subjects, acting behind this fake identities!!!

    To start with publication or answer please click now on “Reply” button in menu of that topic above or at the bottom

    Thanks a lot for your commitment

    !! Quid pro quo !!
    Do you consider our altruistic project as helpful information resource? So please allow to modestly asking for a moderate donation via  our paypal donation interface: https://www.paypal.me/donatefakescaminfo
    Sponsoring us by a “small” grant, you help us to operate and expand this forum
    At one go your donation is recognition and motivation for us
    Donating, you’re helping us to help victims and to damage the scammers business !!!

Reviews: 10
Reported Loss : 85000 $
Severity : Extremely High
Reported by : Anonymous
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