Remi Shea

Government Corruption, Bribery, Cronyism, Public Corruption, Whi

Remi Shea, Staff Attorney for the Attorney Grievance Committee, is a corrupt Jewish **** who probably got her job because she can *** the chrome off a car bumper from 20 feet away.

This evil b***h is a hired/paid legal assassin who works on behalf of the Talmudic Jewish Mafia that runs the Attorney Departmental Disciplinary Committee in New York City.

On whose behalf she contrives bogus and bullshit “ethics charges” against those enemies of Jews in New York City.

The bottom line is that she is a Jewish Mafia-paid princess. She uses her position on the Committee to come and go after innocent lawyers who have somehow run afoul of one of the millions of powerful, wealthy, affluent, oligarch corrupt Jewish billionaires in New York City.

There are always a few bitches like this on nearly every licensing board in New York and every other major city, such as the medical boards, etc., but she is one of the boldest and unashamed.

Please don’t leave your purse or any other valuables around her when you leave the room because she will most probably try to steal them when you are gone.

Currently, she is being investigated by no less than ten federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, so stay away from her. Otherwise, you may also find yourself under the microscope.

Is Remi Shea a legit?

Remi Shea is not running a legit business. They are not aggressive towards customer satisfaction and complaint grievance redressal, Hence 1 consumer[s] submitted negative ratings, and only a few left positive feedback.

Where is Remi Shea located?

Remi Shea is headquarted at 180 Maiden Lane, 17th Floor, New York NY 10038. You can contact Remi Shea by dialing (212) 401-0800 or visit their website

How much monetary loss is incurred by Remi Shea’s customers?

According to Remi Shea’s customers, a monetary loss of US $1000000 has been reported. The severity of entire incident reports is extremely high.

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1 Review on Remi Shea

  1. The Jewish Method Of Destroying Their Targets Now That They Run The U.S. Government

    The Jewish method of destroying someone that they don’t like, now, after they have fully taken over the United States government in all three branches, executive, judiciary and legislative, is to follow the U.S. Supreme Court case that states that the Police have no duty to protect the citizenry.

    In its 1989 decision in DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services, the justices ruled that a social services department had no duty to protect a young boy from his abusive father.

    In other words, everyone knows that into each of all of our lives, we will be attacked from time to time by criminals, harassers, extortionists, sadists, rapists, con-artists, etc, but if law enforcement does nothing, they are not really committing a crime against you, they are just “failing to protect,” which again, is apparently totally constitutional according to the U.S. Supreme Court.

    This is also sometimes known as the “Frank Serpico” method of policing, whereby in order to kill corruption whistleblower police officer Frank Serpico, his other corrupt police officer brethren did not blow his head off, but rather, sent him into a drug bust without backup, and allowed him to get shot in the face by the coke head living inside the apartment.

    In this case, the two attending police officers did not kill Frank Serpico, but rather, did nothing while he got ambushed and then shot, in the face.

    In the same manner, now that the Jewish Mob have taken over the entire U.S. Government after helping to take down their chief rivals for total power, the Catholic Italian Mafia, using then U.S. Attorney Rudy Giuliani back in the 1980s and 1990s by giving them all the physical evidence that he needed (the Jewish mob used to work hand in hand with the Italian mafia), extensively use this method to take out their targets and enemies.

    They simply don’t enforce the law or ethics against their enemies assaulters, but assiduously go after their target/enemy, even for the smallest or mildest of infractions (if not even on purpose).

    In this way, their target either gets totally prosecuted for something if he DID fuck up, or simply dies from the stress of being so damned careful for fear of them coming after him for something.

    This is also how the Jewish-dominated Departmental Disciplinary Committee First Department (aka Attorney Grievance Committee) operates against their hated enemies and targets (those whom Jews don’t like for some reason or another).

Reviews: 1
Reported Loss : 1000000 $
Severity : Extremely High
Reported by : Anonymous
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